21 Resolutions for 2021 (That You'll Actually Want to Keep!)
Throw the guilt trips out the window. 2020 was a tough enough year on everyone, so this year's resolutions are looking a lot more sustainable, achievable and realistic. They're more about long-term, small acts of kindness we can show ourselves... With a healthy dose of actions we can make to inspire our spirits!
Let's face it: If you got through the stress and uncertainty of the year that was, you're doing amazing. You're still here showing up, keeping going, and living your best life possible- and that's something to be celebrated!
Of course, if you feel like launching into the crazy fad diets and killer workout resolutions, power to you... But for us mere mortals, we've come up with a thoroughly modern twist on the regular run-of-the-mill resolutions.
Here's 21 resolutions for 2021 that we think you'll actually want to hang onto, all the way to December and beyond:
21. you guessed it: HYDRATE MORE!
Even though our world here at Greens Steel revolves around healthy hydration, we never miss a reminder to aim even higher with our hydration goals!
Plain old water not your thing? Squeeze in those extra sips per day with a warming herbal tea in your BEAST, or refill your Water Bottle with slices of your favorite fruit to up your intake of H2O!
20. take a self development shower
Capitalize on time otherwise spent daydreaming during your morning routine, and turn your shower into a think tank! Prop up your phone and tune into the world's wisdom with audiobooks, podcasts and videos on personal development from inspirational high achievers, so you can gather knowledge to better approach your success while you brush those pearly whites.
19. declutter your life
Creativity and productivity are directly related to having a clean, clear space that lets your mind run free. Creating a stress-free environment can be as simple as stacking the dishwasher, clearing the clutter off your desk or rearranging the furniture so you've got a clean slate for your body, mind and soul.
18. listen happy
The atmosphere we create for ourselves is everything.
Switch off the news and listen to cheerful, soothing or uplifting music instead- it'll work wonders boosting your mood, calming your senses & putting a spring in your step.
17. cook a new recipe each week
Because our taste buds need adventure too! Add a new recipe into your regular cooking rotation each week, to shake off the diet burnout that always rolls around with boring repetitive meals. You'll expand your palate, increase the value of nutrition you get from different foods, and you might even find your new favorite meal ever!
16. take daily walks for wellbeing
New Year's exercise resolutions don't need to involve training for a triathlon... A simple walk around the block with your dog or neighbor every day can release the necessary endorphins to make you feel a million bucks.
15. vision board for success
Feeling stuck in the monotony of lockdown life circa 2021? These times won't last forever, so don't waste this precious opportunity for planning your perfect life! Daydream about your next big vacation, set out your goals for the coming years, and start taking action now on small steps you can take toward achieving your ambitions.
14. become an expert at anything
The age of the internet has opened up a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips to become an expert at anything you can possibly imagine. Fancy a new career? Interested in a new hobby?
There's a world of online courses, free tutorial videos and resources available to launch you into your next passion. Whether it's honing your photography skills, becoming an expert cook of a particular cuisine, or figuring out how to monetize your big idea, we betcha there's a video about it.
13. listen to your body
Healthy eating is great, but sometimes you're just craving some chocolate. Delicious treats are good for the soul in moderation, so be easy on yourself and don't forget to indulge occasionally- Life is to be enjoyed!
12. be the light
Little moments present themselves every day where we can make a positive impact on someone else's life. It doesn't even need to be a grand gesture for you to bring some sunshine into the world: A simple smile or compliment you give someone can totally brighten their day, and give you a boost of happy hormones that put a spring in your step.
11. call your folks
If 2020 taught us anything, it reminded us of the value of staying connected with our family. We know many seniors are feeling especially isolated in lockdown, so let's keep the good vibes of regular calls to our parents going- showing them we care means the absolute world to them.
10. check your savings balance
The new year is a great time to reassess finances, take a look at the ins and outs of the household, and see where the money's going. Planning your budget for the year ahead takes precisely one afternoon and several cups of tea, but the payoff is priceless peace of mind!
9. hang out with your pet
Can we get a round of applause for dogs in general? Aside from their awesome company and the way they can miraculously lift our spirits, our furry best friends are also fantastic for our health.
Always ready to get outside for an adventure, they encourage us to exercise more, plus studies have shown patting your pet can actually decrease our blood pressure and cholesterol too.
8. MAKE quitting TIME SACRED
Continually working into the wee hours when setting your own remote work schedule? When you set a predetermined time with yourself to stop work for the night and start relaxing, you'll not only be more productive during your work hours, but you'll also sleep better.
Our brains need sufficient time to relax before hitting the pillow for quality sleep, so be disciplined in closing your computer when you promised yourself you would. We're sure they'll call if it's an emergency... But that email can probably wait till the morning!
7. take the stairs instead
Do you know how much incidental exercise we're missing out on by taking the convenient route? When you skip the elevator, ride your bike to the store, and walk to meet your friends for coffee instead of taking the car, you'll be surprised how many extra calories you can burn over the course of a week!
6. schedule that check-up
Taking a proactive approach to our health can be a daunting task that many of us put off, but busting through your anxiety and taking charge of your physical wellbeing is worth the payoff. Scheduling that appointment with your doctor and staying up to date on screenings can mean early detection of many medical issues, that are much more easily treated sooner rather than later.
5. team up to level up
Combining our capabilities, time and skills benefits all involved.
The most successful people have a team, and your dream team can be anyone.
It can be anything as simple as asking members of your family to help you with chores so you can all relax in record time, to arranging with a neighbor to alternate watching the kids; create your team and see your schedule open up and your productivity take off.
4. dress the part, just for yourself
Even if you're not going anywhere today, get dressed. Brush your hair, look in the mirror, and smile. Feeling like we look good has an incredible effect on our self esteem, so put on your favorite outfit and feel the effects of knowing you look fab, even if it's only yourself you're dressing up for.
3. write it down
Getting things down on paper is therapy within itself. It helps clear your mind with a To-Do List, allows you to feel in control with a schedule, and helps you organize your thoughts and reassess your mental state with a mindset journal to help you shift to new perspectives.
2. shake up your exercise
Hitting a wall with your workouts is inevitable if you're doing the same thing every day. Apart from working out your different muscle groups, trying out a variety of exercise forms keeps your brain engaged and looking forward to the next exciting challenge.
1. have an accountability partner
Our goals can slip into the shadows amid the daily grind, and it's no surprise. Life goes on, the money still needs to be made, and the rat race of everything we do can eclipse our deepest desires. To keep your goals in sharp focus, tell someone about them. Having a friend to check in on your progress will keep you striving and sticking to what's really important to you, as they'll remind you that they're your cheerleader for success.
Happiness, health and feeling great about ourselves starts with making a commitment to that we'll honor our body, mind and soul.
Try these 21 resolutions for 2021 that are totally achievable, completely sustainable, and thoroughly gratifying. They're a great kickstarter for lifelong habits that drive self-improvement, fulfillment and self awareness, and I think you'll find them a piece of cake!
Here's to a great 2021, whatever it may bring.
Fefe | Greens Steel Reality-Checker
Nevada, USA
Get the momentum going on your upbeat outlook for 2021. Sip your way into the new year knowing you're bound for success with the BEAST...
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