3 easy tips for an eco-friendly Christmas
Over the holiday period, approximately 125,000 tonnes of plastic packaging is used for gifts, we travel a cumulative 6 billion miles to see friends and family, and if we placed all the cards alongside each other, they’d cover the world’s circumference 500 times.
It’s a time for celebration but it’s also a time for overconsumption which can cause harm to our planet and environment. If you’re looking for a way to make your festivities a little more eco-friendly, we’ve got you covered. Read on to find out how to have a merry eco-friendly Christmas.
Sustainable Christmas gift
2. Don’t overdo it with gifts they don’t ask for
3. Opt for reusable products
4. Eco-friendly gift wrap
Tie them up in some scrap fabric or (new) handkerchiefs for a colourful, reusable option. Use plain brown or white paper and recycled ribbon for a more classic feel that can be recycled, and swap out the plastic sticky tape for compostable paper tape.
Sustainable Christmas tree
1. Artificial trees
When it comes to replacing your artificial trees, look into more environmentally-sound options such as buying second hand or investing in a tree that will last many more years.
Find second hand ones.
2. Use (or grow) your own
Small evergreen, holly, apple, pear, bay and Japanese maple trees can all be bought in containers and all make merry additions to your festive decor.
3. Real trees
Eco-friendly Christmas decorations
- Avoid anything glittery unless you can confidently say it’s eco-friendly glitter. The sparkly glitter that can be found everywhere is usually made from plastic and is one of the worst contributors to microplastics in the oceans.
- Try to avoid plastic decorations and opt for ones made from natural materials such as wood or paper instead.
- Use the decorations you currently have until they can’t possibly be used anymore to help extend their life and lower their impact.
- Invest in some special pieces that you don’t mind bringing out every year.
Food glorious food
- Try to eat less meat where possible as the meat industry has some of the largest impacts on the planet.
- Where possible, try to buy organic fruits and vegetables to help ensure that you’re protecting the environment and encouraging farmers to use better tactics.
- Also try to buy local where possible to support your local farming community as well as cut down on the amounts of emissions from delivery trucks.
- Choose to get your food order delivered rather and fighting the crowds at supermarkets. Food delivery is almost like public transport - multiple orders make the journey in one van rather than those same 4 or 5 cars making the trip to the supermarket.
- Try not to impulse buy - a sentiment many people can probably relate to. Don’t let the special offers on extra chocolates persuade you from spending more. You’ll save money and prevent unnecessary waste.
We hope this blog has helped you learn more about how to have a sustainable Christmas. With a few easy swaps, being more eco-friendly doesn’t need to be a chore and can still spread the festive cheer. Need more inspiration? Check out our blog post about why our The Beast tumbler makes an excellent gift!
Warm the cockles of your heart & power through the chilly season with the BEAST.
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