How Many Bottles of Water a Day Do you Need?

Are you looking to boost your hydration, but are unsure how much water is the ideal amount to drink? The truth is, there is no perfect amount of water to drink per day as everybody is different however there are some guidelines we can follow to ensure that we get enough water.
In order for us to stay healthy, we need to replace the water that we lose during the day. Any activity (even breathing!) uses water, so ensuring we stay hydrated is key to survival. Find out roughly how much water you should drink in this article.
Why it’s important to keep hydrated
Staying hydrated is essential for the human brain to function effectively. By keeping the brain hydrated, we allow it to fire neurons quickly. Without lubrication, the electrical signals in the brain are slower and this makes it hard for us to concentrate. Therefore, keeping hydrated is essential to concentration.
Another key reason that it’s important to stay hydrated, is to maintain healthy blood flow. The blood carries nutrients to the brain and body, and without water it can’t function properly. Without water we struggle to carry oxygen to the brain and body and can experience sensations like cramps, headaches and brain fog.
How much water do I need on average
Each body is different, however health experts recommend around 8 glasses of water a day which is around 2 litres. That said, many people believe that we need much more water than that if we lead an active lifestyle, with fitness instructors often recommending 4 litres a day.
According to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the ideal amount of water sits at around 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for women and 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) a day for men.
Do other fluids count toward your total?

Yes. Both other fluids and food contain water and contribute to your hydration. For example, if you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables it is likely that you get a healthy amount of water via food. It is important to note that whilst other fluids contribute to hydration, drinks like coffee can actually negatively impact hydration. In fact, all caffeinated drinks are mild diuretics meaning that they flush through the kidneys and release water as they go.
5 indications that you are sufficiently Hydrated
Wondering if you are well hydrated? You are probably sufficiently hydrated if:
- You don’t experience thirst
- Your urine is a healthy pale yellow colour
- Your mouth and tongue feel moist
Your skin looks glowy, and is not excessively dry
- You pee 6-8 times a day
Hydration in different environments
Flying can cause dehydration, as when we fly at high altitude the air is very dry. This means that our bodies evaporate moisture very quickly, and with little moisture in the air it is a sure fire way to get dehydrated. To stay hydrated when flying it is recommended that you drink about 0.25 litres per hour while on a plane.
How Much water you need to stay hydrated in an airconditioned office
Similarly to an airplane cabin environment, an office where there is a lack of airflow and air conditioning running will dehydrate you. With dry air circulating, the body loses moisture and therefore you will need to drink more water in an airconditioned office. It is recommended that you drink around 3 litres per day to keep hydrated in an office.
How Much water you need to stay hydrated outside on a hot day

It varies from person to person, however if you feel dehydrated and thirsty you should drink. On a hot day, you will sweat and release more water than normal. Plus, if you’re moving around you will need to counter the water lost by taking on more. Aim for 3 litres per 24 hours if you’re outside on a hot day.
How Much water you need to stay hydrated outside on a cold day

On a cold day, you might find that you need less water to sustain your body. Again, always let your body be the guide, as it will tell you when you need to drink. On a cold day, you may find that sticking to the standard guideline of 8 glasses of water is ideal.
Hydration vs activity

When we’re active, we burn more water. This means we need to counteract the loss of water by drinking more! Keep a record of how much activity you’re doing, and be sure to track your water intake accordingly. One of the easiest ways to get dehydrated is by forgetting to take on water when you have been very active.
How Much water you need to stay hydrated during moderate activity

There is no right amount, however it is crucial that if you are doing moderate exercise that you drink water regularly. Even if you’re not particularly thirsty, small sips of water will help you stay hydrated and defeat any post-activity dehydration. Aim for the recommended 8 glasses of water a day, but aim to take on more if you feel thirsty or dehydrated.
How Much water you need to stay hydrated during intense exercise
During intense exercise, you will likely need to take on more water, so it’s important to listen to your body. Many personal trainers recommended taking on up to 4 litres of water in 24 hrs if you are doing intense exercise. Another thing to consider is sports drinks with electrolytes. When we’re moderately active, especially if we’re outside, we can expect to burn salts as well as water. Sports drinks help to replace the electrolytes we lose and aid hydration and recovery.
How many bottles of water is too much?
Anything over 4 litres in 24hrs could be too much water. Your body is in a delicate balance between H2O and salts in the blood, and by drinking too much water we can actually over hydrate the cells in our body. This can be dangerous and in very rare cases can even result in death. To make sure you avoid overhydration, it’s important to keep track of how much water you’re drinking.
What happens when you drink 8 glasses of water a day, is that how much I need?
Probably. If you’re undertaking a normal level of activity, in a climate that isn’t excessively warm then 8 glasses of water a day will likely be enough. However, it is important to recognise that no amount of water is ‘perfect’. Each body is different and the perfect amount of water varies from body to body. Listen to your thirst and understand how your urine looks when you’re well hydrated. Once you have this benchmark, you will be able to understand how hydrated you are.
Does drinking 8 glasses of water help lose weight?
Water aids hydration, which in turn aids the digestion process. In this sense, drinking water can help the body break down food efficiently. Drinking enough water also helps boost your metabolism which can increase how many calories you burn each day. Lastly, drinking water can help curb the appetite and decrease the calories that are put into the body. Often, when we feel hungry, it is actually because we are thirsty. Therefore, when you drink enough water, you’re able to better listen to our body and this can help with weight loss.
Using a water bottle to aid hydration
Finding a stainless steel water bottle that you enjoy drinking out of will help you take on enough water throughout the day. Having a water bottle at arm’s reach can also help you know how much water you’re drinking and lower the risk of overhydration.
Discover our range of stainless steel water bottles now!
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